Best fallout new vegas companions
Best fallout new vegas companions

His background also isn't as straightforward as others, hidden away deep in the eyebot's coding, with no easy way to access it. Her transformation means Lily is an all-around natural tank when it comes to fighting, though it also makes her not the smartest ally. RELATED: Fallout New Vegas: 10 Crazy Pieces Of Cut Content Most New Vegas quests offer a large amount of … Fallout: New Vegas Companion Guide. And given that the main quest can easily intersect with his, players can rejoice! Not only did Obsidian add gameplay improvements to Fallout 3's core combat, but they also created some of the most innovative and memorable quests in any modern RPG. As a fighter, though, his stats aren't the best, not to say he's a total pushover. Fallout New Vegas: 10 Things You Missed About Zion Canyon. Aside from that, though, Cassidy isn't too compelling a character or companion. So if Couriers want a good guy with a good heart, good brains, and good aim, Arcade might just be a good fit. Though technically not from before the Great War, her ancient age and history as a former Vault dweller means she's familiar with pre-apocalyptic wife.

best fallout new vegas companions

Remember to include links to other pages on the wiki. What about companions' armor? Find every companion, their location and how to get them to join you. and a new sand box mode, they move around, sit down sleep etc.

Best fallout new vegas companions