You might like this mod: Run Faster - Faster Running Speed to help you resist the urge to fast travel or teleport. I like the Steed for the birthsign: it stands to reason that the scout will spend a lot of time exploring and traveling, let's not make that more tedious than it needs to be. In addition, the Argonian is probably more at ease in the great outdoors than in any Telvanni settlement or plantation. I like the Argonian male, and their natural resistance to diseases: it will be useful with the survival mods I have in mind for the scout. Male Argonians, Bosmers and Khajiits of both genders start with 50 Agility. Whatever the race you pick, I would recommend you pick one with high Agility as this attribute is vital (hit chance, dodge chance and stagger chance) but will be hard to improve with Sneak and Block. I know most people do that with most characters but since I tend to specialise, a hybrid character is quite the novelty!

Personally, I would go the true hybrid route where the scout snipes enemies off and is ready to meet them head on, blade in hand in tight spaces. You can make use of Alchemy and be closer to the Barbarian, or Alteration and play like a Nightblade. With their skills, the scouts can have all kinds of builds: Melee with Long Sword and Shield, Ranged with Sneak and Marskman and wear whatever armour compliments your style best. The Scout's main attributes are Speed and Endurance. For more general role-playing mod recommendations, you can check this guide. So instead, I want to suggest ways to play a class and mods that can make the experience fresh and more unique. In addition, we tend to always want to play the same way, with the same style, the same weapons, the same game play. This series is not about the ultimate build, let's face it, sooner or later your character will be a god-killer whether you min-max or not. For those who watch my let's plays and livestreams, you'll know that we're all about role-playing and not at all about min-maxing.