If you are not from the Star Wars Universe, that is a lot. So, for the clones to be more expensive than the droids, each clone would have to cost 219,733,333 credits.

So, a generous estimate for the cost of a B1 would be 2000 credits. A droid's blaster alone costs 900 credits (Thanks, Wookieepedia). So, even if we are generous and include all 3,000,000 clones in the cost, then a clone would be about 110 times more expensive than a droid for the clone army to be more expensive than the droid army. However, they were not all produced during CW, and Lama Su tells Kenobi that they have created 200,000 units with millions more on the way. The original order for clones was 3,000,000 and another order was made later in the Clone Wars. The actual figure was probably in the trillions. But, to show you the hopelessness of the Republic, we will use the B1 strength in only the Lucrehulks. Take note that this was just with 10,000 Lucrehulk Battleships, and the Separatists have many other sources of droids and cruisers and frigates that all can carry droids and that did carry droids. You would also have 15,000,000 vulture droid starfighters, 500,000 C-9979 landing crafts, 62,500,000 AATs, 5,500,000 MTTs, along with the other droid types (B2 Super Battle Droids, Droidekas, MagnaGuards, and so on and so forth.) You can see that there was an unimaginable amount of droids that the Separatists had to play with. So, assuming that every Lucrehulk was fully loaded (a fair assumption given the might of the organizations that were supplying droids), and looking at a mid range figure for the production of Lucrehulks (10,000), you would have a B1 strength of 3,296,000,000. Research on the production of Lucrehulk class battleships shows that at the low end 1,000 were produced and at the high end 24,000 were produced. The wiki states that a Lucrehulk class battleship can hold over 329,000 B1 Battle Droids. Also, the sheer amount of them was large, and they were in service long before the clone wars for the various Unions that had them. The development of all of the systems, vehicles, let alone production, must have cost incredible amounts. I would have to lean towards the droid army.